Rebecca Martin Galerie

A Bouquet of Songs


A concert of Richard Strauss songs for and on his birthday.

June 11, 2021 at 7 p.m. in St. Martha Church, Nuremberg

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Night of the Profs

Feb. 6, 2021

First livestream performance!

Rebecca Martin, Mezzo-Soprano/Prof. Wolfgang Manz, Piano
Music University of Nürnberg


Bach's beautiful work for this time of waiting and hoping.

In this year without Christmas concerts, it is a small consolation to have this recording of Bach's beautiful music, and the happy memories I have of that time. This was my first recording with the Windsbach Boy Choir, conducted by Karl-Friedrich 1999!

Artikel in the Nürnberg News

A conversation about what the current situation means for Classical singers/musicians, with the music journalist Thomas Heinold.  And a little bit of surprise publicity.

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Christmas Oratorio

Complete recording of Bach's wonderful work with the Windsbach Boy choir and the Deutsche Kammer-Virtuosen Berlin, to console us in this season void of live concerts. 

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Christmas Recital

Dec. 18, 2020 at 1pm: Student Recital

In the hope that we will still be able to perform our student recital of Christmas Songs, arias, and ensembles for an "internal" audience of the Music University.  We may be able to share the concert on Zoom.  

Mendelssohn's "Paulus"

February 8, 2020 at 5 p.m.

Dresden:  Church of the Cross (Kreuzkirche)