Rebecca Martin Galerie

The Madness of Love

Rebecca will again perform in the opera pasticcio "Der Liebeswahn" (The Madness of Love) with the Batzdorfer Hofkapelle on July 29 & 30, as well as August 6 & 7.  Florian Lutz directed the rambunctious production--which includes audience participation!--for the 2013 Batzdorfer Baroque Festival. The production was then invited to the famous Handel Festival in Halle.  Together with the soprano Marie-Friederike Schöder, the countertenor Jakob Huppmann, and the actor Utz Pannicke, Rebecca will play the role of a young shepherd----or something along tohse lines!  The performance is beautifully accompanied by the Batzdorfer Hofkapelle.  

July 29 (7 pm), July 30 (4 pm), August 6 (7 pm) and August 7 (4 pm), 2016

Dalheim Cloister near Paderborn

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